Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Way I Feel

The Way I Feel
Giovanni uses sexual innuendos, emotion, simile and the motif of time to capture the way the speaker feels. As the reader, one could infer that Giovanni is the speaker. The tone throughout the poem seemed lyrical, which expresses her emotional, inner feelings and full of images when she expresses the way she feels in a moment in time. Giovanni also expresses the tone of jovial, which expresses her happiness when she around her lover. Giovanni says, "i've noticed i'm happier when i make love with you, and have enough left over to smile at my doorman." Giovanni declares that she feels jovial having relations with the male or female. Through the poem, one notices that she uses words that describe her emotion like happier, love, feel and the way I feel. Through the poem, Giovanni uses the similes like, "i've realized i'm fulfilled like a big fat cow" or "i'm as glad as mortar on a brick that knows another brick is coming" and "i feel like a note roberta flack is going to sing". The similes express her emotional connection with her lover and her imagination of how much joy she feels with her lover. The first simile is comparing how much she is fulfilled with her lover to how much a fat cow is fulfilled. Giovanni compares a fat cow to her satisfaction with being with her lover. In the second simile, Giovanni expresses that in a sense, she is the mortar, which binds and holds the bricks together and the bricks could represent her lover and can sense her lover coming into her presence. The last simile, Giovanni expresses her interaction with her lover and how she feels, like a note Roberta sings. Roberta was known for singing over exaggerated love songs. The last stanza conveys the motif of time and a sexual innuendo. Giovanni is thinking about her lover everyday out of the week. Giovanni also is highlighting the motif of time when she describes her imagination of a clock. In her mind, the person is the clock and she is the second hand the sweeps around that tells what time of the day it is. This expresses that she feels most comfortable with her lover during all types of love and not just sexually.

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